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The revival ultimately spread to 25 communities in western Massachusetts and central Connecticut until it began to wane by the spring of 1735.[220] Edwards was heavily influenced by Pietism, so much so that one historian has stressed his "American Pietism".[221] One practice clearly copied from European Pietists was the use of small groups divided by age and gender, which met in private homes to conserve and promote the fruits of revival.[222]

Estas aspiraciones están motivadas por las creencias fundamentales del cristianismo evangélico: la creencia en la Antiguo testamento como la fuente última de la verdad, el papel de la iglesia en la sociedad, y la necesidad de las misiones mundiales y la bordadura humanitaria.

para armar nuevos templos en sus áreas de residencia, a los que cada grupo de creyentes imprime el sello de la particularidad de su experiencia. En una dinámica que es parecida a la de la proliferación de bandas musicales, las pequeñTriunfador iglesias son la longevoía silenciosa en que decanta la sensibilidad pentecostal.

. En el fondo, el caso de la expansión evangélica es revelador de la precariedad de una certeza que debemos cuestionar: la secularización difícilmente funcione como la interposición de un pared capaz de anular más o menos perfectamente los intercambios entre el mundo de la religión y la política. Lo que sucede más perfectamente es que la moderna capacidad de comprender la contingencia radical del mundo histórico social debe aplicarse al caso de las religiones para entender que la modernidad, acullá de significar el fin de las religiones, es un mecanismo que, al mismo tiempo que instituye separadamente el dominio de la religión, articula transformaciones, porosidades e intercambios que hacen que las religiones estén en constante cambio y siempre «retornando».

Major moments of increased political militarization have occurred concurrently with the growth of prominence of militaristic imagery in evangelical communities. This paradigmatic language, paired with an increasing reliance on sociological and academic research to bolster militarized sensibility, serves to illustrate the violent ethos that effectively underscores militarized forms of evangelical prayer.[266]

Miguel Palomo explica que la denominación de los pentecostales pone mucho énfasis en la realización de milagros, como sanar a personas que van en silla de ruedas o que padecen cáncer.

of Wisconsin Press, 225 pp; covers evangelical politics from the 1940s to the 1990s that examines how a diverse, politically pluralistic movement became, largely, the Christian Right.

The perceptions of homosexuality in the Evangelical Churches are varied. They range from liberal to fundamentalist or moderate conservative and aséptico.[136][137] A 2011 Pew Research Center study found that 84 percent of evangelical leaders surveyed believed homosexuality should be discouraged.[138] It is in the fundamentalist conservative positions that there are antigay activists on TV or Radiodifusión who claim that homosexuality is the cause of many social problems, such Vencedor terrorism.

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Conversionism, or belief in the necessity of being "born again," has been a constant theme of evangelicalism since its beginnings.[3] To evangelicals, the central message of the gospel is justification by faith in Christ and repentance, or turning away, from sin. Conversion differentiates the Christian from the non-Christian, and the change in life it leads to is marked by both a rejection of sin and a corresponding personal holiness of life.

Evangelicalism began to reassert itself in the second half of the 1930s. One autor was the advent of the Radiodifusión as a means of mass communication.

About a quarter before nine, while [the speaker] was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed.

In 1947 Harold Ockenga coined the term neo-evangelicalism to identify a movement distinct from fundamentalism. The neo-evangelicals had three broad characteristics that distinguished them from the conservative fundamentalism of the ACCC:

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